Sunday, May 29, 2011

Kallista please don't go!

This song is dedicated to Kallista
a good friend

Please don't go Please don't go

If you leave us
You let a good thing fall apart
You'll leave a pain inside our hearts
We really need you
Just like the air we need to breathe
We'll stand beside you and we'll never leave

Please don't go Please don't go

Please don't go Please don't go
You're the only angel we know
You were sent from heaven above
To hang with us forever

If you leave us
You're gonna spoil a dream we all shared
If you leave us
We're gonna miss the way you care
We will try harder
We'll make you stay forever
And we'll be faithful until the end

Dear Kallista's parents
Kallista is a great friend and if she leaves there'll be no one to encourage us the way she does, there'll be no one who makes us happy the way she does.
Kallista is the glue that holds our friendship together.
Kallista is like a big sister, to some of us. A big sister we never had.
If our big sister (Kallista) leaves we will be out of control.
There are no words to describe how great she is but,i'm gonna describe her with the words that exists in this world.

  • Brave
  • Encouraging
  • Funny
  • Nice
  • Caring
  • Kind
Our friendship with her will NEVER end!!
U ROCK KALLISTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

More drawings!!!!!!!

 KIRBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  How CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Blogger Dragon! Now our blogger PET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

My drawings

How cute is this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!   Scary  :P  WATCH OUT KAL!!!!!!!!!!!!